Sunday, December 19, 2010

19 December 2010, Depot Bookstore, Mill Valley

Another book event tonight. This time a reading in Mill Valley at the Depot Bookstore. Picture the situation: Day 3 of a gargantuan rain storm scheduled to last for 10 days. I hi-tailed it out of San Jose the morning after the seminar to get over the twisting mountainous road on Hwy 17 to Santa Cruz before the storm hunkered in for real. By the time I arrived at my family’s house on my old farm, the rain was pummeling down. I stayed indoors for 2 days, cozied around the fire. The wind rattled and roared outside, throwing tantrums, and hurling  branches and apples about like play things. Last night it finally managed to down the electrical power lines, leaving everyone without electricity. I drove directly into this melee today, over downed power lines and a tangle of fallen branches. The hard decision was whether to risk the direct mountain route to San Francisco with slippery roads, horrible visibility, oil slick S-turns, speeding trucks and possible accidents, or to risk the coastal route with long deserted stretches and possible landslides. I opted for the latter because I love the tumult of the sea in storms, and if I escaped the landslides, at least there was a good seafood café in Half Moon Bay that promised fresh crab. The event was at 7. I left at 11 for what normally was a 2.5 hour drive but ended up taking over 4 hours. A fine crab Louie salad was the reward for the risk-venture.

Tony was waiting at the Bookstore when I got there. He was obviously jubilant to rendezvous again. He commented about the seminar: “What were you wearing?” he said. “You looked resplendent!.”  We spoke of the KQED-TV interview coming up on the 27th. I told him they only wanted him, not both of us. “There’s no way that’s going to happen” he said. “You’re coming along too.”
The bookstore was running low on books, so I went out to the car to get more. As I stepped outside into the hail and rain there was a roar of thunder, immediately followed by a single bolt of lightning quite close by. Lightning Rod Publication strikes again! My nephew commented, we NEVER have lightning here. NEVER! It’s not New Mexico.

Tony generously gave himself over to an entire evening at the bookstore. In spite of the weather, the place filled with a good crowd of the brave and the fearless. Once again, no one wanted to leave. It was the night before Tony’s closing argument in court tomorrow back in San Jose. The man is indomitable.

And now, into the maw of Christmas.

May yours be merry and bright.

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